Series: Basic and Extended
Title: Building a Loftier Self
Event: New Group Follow-Up, Part I
Date: 28 February 1992
Volume: Vol. 13 #04
Number Discs: 3
Disc 1
Toast and Greetings
Communication of Abstract Knowledge
Using Philosophy to Communicate Feelings
Will Manifested through Lack
Emotional Appeal of Words
Philosophy and Theory
A Teacher of Experience
About Practicing to Move Energy
Our Grid Based on Polarity
Vacuum of the Void
Being the Abstract
Disc 2
Experience and Wisdom
Experiencing Truth
Personal Doubt versus Personal Mastery
Great Self Born of Surrender
Dance and Healing the Body
Experience and the Problem of Time
Symbolism of the Initiate Star
Living as Material Nature versus Living in Eternal Now
Wisdom versus Phenomena
Beginners and Their Problems
Fasting to Create a Miracle
Disc 3
Demons of Fear and Self-Doubt
Harvest of the Seventh Seal
Reasons for Field and Tank
Determining Reality
Building a Loftier Self
Instructions for Cards
Teaching on FieldworkSM
Practice and Participation
Distinct Flavor of Analogical Mind
Conversion of Consciousness