
The Unusual Story of How to Master Time, Conquer One’s Self, and Reach Immortality
This book you hold in your hands gathers Ramtha’s teachings that illustrate the journey one must take to understand the nature of time and how to create our timelines and destiny consciously and intentionally.
Significantly, and what often passes by before us unnoticed, is what we must do to conquer our humanity, riddled with limitations and doomed to the grave. What does it take to become legendary beings, worthy of being remembered beyond time?
Ramtha explains that focus is the master key to accomplish the task and offers us various practical ways in which to put it into practice. The Master’s teaching delves into the concept of the river of time, a mind frequency specific with the future, how we can reprogram our brain with an immortal dream of metamorphosis, and how to create and mold the wave of reality, from the point of view of a master.
“These are very simple little notes, but within them hold the secrets to a seventh-level master, a multidimensional entity, an impressive master who has the magic to make things happen.”
— Ramtha