How Jesus Became a Christ
Translation: Spanish, French, German and Italian
How Jesus became a Christ" is the second DVD in the "Deep Deceptions" series. The series set out to ascertain answers to what he calls, "The Four Great Questions" about human destiny: Who Are We?; Where Did We Come From?; What Should We Do?, and What May We Expect After Death? Jesus promised that those who followed his message would do all the wonders he did and more. If this is not happening in todays Christianity it shows that something has gone very seriously awry. Few even realize that more than 80% of the life of Jesus is missing from the New Testament. Míeál Ledwiths lifelong study of the available sources had identified many gaps in the religions understanding of God and our place in the world. In particular it became clear that the Christian religions do not, as they claim, carry the revelation of a previously unknown message; but are based on fragments and corruptions of a rare and very ancient wisdom. The early Christian Church spent several centuries of tortured controversy trying to explain how God could have become man in Jesus the Christ. It should have focused instead on how the divine element in every man and woman could be effectively drawn forth. According to the teachings of Ramtha, and upheld by a thorough investigation of all the historical sources, that is precisely what Jesus came to exemplify and facilitate for everyone. Inspired and guided by Ramthas teachings, this DVD presents what was accomplished during the transformative journey of the so-called hidden years of Jesus in Egypt, India and Tibet, which all came to fruition in the dramatic events of the three-year ministry in his homeland. The message of Jesus when placed in this context is radically transformed from what it is if you somehow believe that all he accomplished was made possible by an eighteen-year apprenticeship at a carpenters
PRICE: $34.95
item#: D06MLR
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