Winds Of Change III
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Disc 1
Assay IV 7-12-92
01. Levels of illusion in change Advanced Evening 1-4-93
02. Earth and weather changes; magnetic pole shift
03. The plagues
04. Water reservoirs and deserts
05. Contamination of food and water
06. Ships in the sky and government lies
07. The second coming of Christ and students in route to school
08. Adding to one's preservation
09. Green fireballs and the great hole in the earth
Advanced Evening 4-14-93
10. Marching in the midst of change
11. Past advice given for preparing for the days to come

Disc 2
01. What one should do to be prepared and sovereign
02. Runners of change and the safest area to live
03. Tectonic plate movement, earthquakes, and tsunami
04. Volcanoes: Mount Ranier and Mount St. Helens
05. Summer 1993: a time of natural disaster
06. Those who will survive the changes, the kings who govern, and the twelve days of light
07. Assault by government on an alien race and a runner of the discovery of another planet
08. Changing weather and the earth's magnetic field
09. The plagues and frequency bombardment
10. There is coming an advanced avatar claiming to be Jesus
11. The appearance of entities from beyond the North Star and life on the other side of change
12. Europe, South Africa, and Australia
13. World market trade
Advanced evening 9-16-93
14. Becoming the doer of one's own salvation
15. Setting in motion the plans for the one world order
16. Preparedness
17. The lodestone of the soul and the dream that goes inward

PRICE: $12.48
item#: CD052
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Audio Teachings by Ramtha
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