The HS program is fabulous! The information is priceless. I have really enjoyed having the
opportunity to learn at my own pace. It is also wonderful to be able to pause the teachings to
take notes too! I am recommending this program to everyone I know. I have five boys and have
found it difficult at times to remain in school but this has given me the opportunity to not
only become current again but also gives me the flexibility to learn even with a busy home life.
Thanks so much for creating this course!
It has been an incredible journey for me!
The home study course has been wonderful. I would love to see a CEU type of classes for it. Of course,
nothing beats being at the ranch. The home study course full filled what I was desiring...how to
integrate the teachings into my daily life w/out being separate. I joyously get to do discipline's
everyday now to varying degree's and I am fully loving it! My reading on hunger for knowledge has
increased and it seems like there are only limits implemented my my lack of knowledge or personal inertia.
Things I was not quite seeing before. I trust in time I will fine tune these teachings and be able to
join the student body once again. Hopefully, rejoining blue college.
Randy Terri Lynn
I just finished the Ramtha Home Study Course and I want to thank you for putting together a great course.
I really learned many many new things and I am very pleased and happy with the results. My being has really expanded and I feel like I have been awakeded from a deep sleep. As I progressed through the course, I remembered moments in my life that I had a glimpse of who I am.
I look forward to continuing my journey with Ramtha.
Patrick Volturo
I've been taking the Home Study Program and loving it. I'm also a recent former student; I was last in school in 2006.
I've also convinced my mother to take the HSP -- she started today, and is also loving it.
Brian Albea
I am 70 years old and I waxed the bathroom floor and about an hour later I walked into the bathroom
with "footies" on and slipped and my feet came out in front of me and I landed on my lower back.
I was instantly in immense pain, thinking I had broken both hips and my tailbone. I remembered
that I create my own reality so I rolled over to my stomach and just kept saying, "This did not happen,
This did not happen." Within a minute I was absolute fine. I got up and walked out and had absolutely
no pain. I credit this miraculous event to what I learned in your books. So I have to thank you from
the bottom of my heart.
Jane Fox
This is truly amazing, what a huge step for the school and for the lives of these students, old and new.
Congratulations to all involved, your March is a Victory!
Susan Robertson
I wanted to let you know that I registered for the new Home Study Program. I'm already doing Module One and
it is so great. The school allows you to do this after you have registered/ordered and before you get your
Packet in the mail of the Program, but only of Module One. Part of it is sending and receiving and I matched
a lot of them. I got so excited!!!! Thought you would like to know. I have no one else to share my excitement
with, so I thought I would share this with you.
Alan Burns